BeagleBone Black: plot analog sensor on Adafruit bi-color LED matrix
Plot the readings from a sensor over time on the matrix with different colors representing the magnitude of the reading
SETUP: I've previously had great results connecting Adafruit 8x8 LED matrix displays to the BeagleBone Black via I2C:
I decided to try out the Adafruit bi-color 8x8 LED matrix and hooked it up with the same I2C pins as before. You'll need to setup the Adafruit_BBIO Python library if you haven't already: You'll also want to grab the Adafruit Python libraries for the Raspberry Pi since they work on BeagleBone Black, too:
BASIC DEMO: Here is the BegaleBone Black running the demo program from the repo:
CODE: I thought it would be interesting to plot the readings from a sensor over time on the matrix with different colors representing the magnitude of the reading. I hooked up a pot to the analog input to simulate a sensor. Here's the Python script: It is Invoked by this shell script so that PYTHONPATH will be set:
VIDEO: BeagleBone Black: plot analog sensor on Adafruit bi-color LED matrix
Cheers, Homepage: Registrar: pdp7pdp7 |
Tags: documentation;demo;completebbblack;
Projected created on: Fri Apr 11 2014 06:28:10 GMT-0000 (UTC)
Submitted by: pdp7pdp7
Last updated on: Sat Apr 12 2014 00:32:58 GMT-0000 (UTC)